Monday, August 30, 2010

The Last Ten

Happy enjoying & hunting during the last ten nights of Ramadhan!

Though some idiots is cursing a not-yet-Muslim for giving a speech in a surau...

P/S: Ngko sendiri x gi surau, nak marah org belum Muslim gi surau lak! Muka kat punggung?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Still in transition between staying awake & sleepy mode after touchdown upon returning from Perth, WA last Sunday - haven't got enough sleep yet...

A perfect time to preview this film:

Written & directed by Christopher Nolan, who's climbing the steps of acclaimed filmmaker.

In short: This movie is about "exploring the idea of people sharing a dream space - entering a dream space and sharing a dream. That gives you the ability to access somebody’s unconscious mind. What would that be used and abused for?"

When I was in Perth, saw a lot of ads for this movie. Not surprising, since Nolan's last film (The Dark Knight) was overwhelmingly successful & starred by a Perth originated actor - Heath Ledger ofcoz.

For years, Nolan made-from-heart-films have never failed to impress most critics & moviegoers and so far these are the reviews for Inception:
  1. Film School Rejects (A+)
  2. CHUD (10/10)
  3. JoBlo (10/10)
  4. Empire (5/5)
  5. Indie Wire (5/5)
What else to say... Damn Chris Nolan, make us impatience for his next Batman!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mari Menderma

Today marked the first time I donated my blood.

Yes, honestly I had a lot of excuses before (as most of everyone):

I'm afraid of blood & needle.
I faint easily.

It hurts.
Let everybody else do it.
I'll pass. Perhaps later.
Next time also can...

You know what? It's all bull-f**king-shit!

After my first experience today, I found out that blood donation feels good. In fact, it was too good that I think I'm already addicted to it (not to the extend of erotic pleasure of course...).

Hey, those blood are not ours. They're rewarded by God. Why so selfish?

Imagine 1 day your loved ones involved in an accident & there's no blood for them to replace their blood loss...

*Baru derma darah sekali cakap banyak pulak! Macam bagus sangat. Pegi daaa...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Teacher's Day (Belated)

Mulai bulan ini untuk kasi lebih 'masyukkk' (tak pun bila tuan punya blog ni malas nak mengarang dalam English...) sesetengah entry akan dipost dalam Bahasa Melayu/Malaysia.

Semalam aku lunch dekat 1 food court x jauh dr opis. Masa tengah makan tu 'telinga keli' aku terdengar perbualan (@ perbebelan?) 1 grup yg lunch kat sebelah aku.

Girl: Lecturer to bengong sket... bla bla bla

Guy: bla bla bla... itu namanya lecturer pemalas!

Girl: Patutnya ...bla bla bla... tp dia ngajar ...bla bla blahhh....

Huh, berdesing telinga aku mendengarnya! Selamba badak je kutuk lecturer dia.

Bukan ke lecturer = pensyarah = guru? Kalu camni maner ler nak ada berkat blajo?

Bahkan dalam al-Quran digambarkan mcm mana adab sorg anak murid kpd gurunya:

Ertinya : Berkata Khidr (selaku guru), jika kamu ingin ikutiku maka jangan kamu bertanya apa-apa sehinggalah aku menceritakannya kepadamu " (Al-Kahfi, 70)

Ditambah lak oleh Imam al-Ghazali:

Apapun yang diterangkan oleh guru semasa pengajian maka hendaklah (penuntut) mengikutinya dan meninggalkan pandangan peribadinya, kerana kesilapan sang guru lebih bermanfaat dari apa yang mungkin benarnya apa yang datang dari dirinya (penuntut)"
( Ihya 'Ulumiddin, 1/50)

Walaupun aku pun kdg2 x brp setuju @ boring dgn corak pengajaran sesetengah lecturer/guru tp xder la sampai nak ckp secara langsung yg dia 'bengong'...

Moral: Hormatilah sapa2 yg penah menurunkan ilmu kpd anda!

Selamat Hari Guru buat semua warga pendidik!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Weapons found on Mavi Marmara Flotilla Ship

No need to further introduce on the Israel Naval Force raid on the Mavi Marmara Ship which also carried 12 Malaysians last Monday.

These are the pictures of the 'weapons' found on the ship released by Israel Defense Force Spokesperson site:

No f**king shit!

Most of them are kitchen knives! And even a knife sharpener?

And even compact discs??? OK, One of the activists must be this guy who can kill people with his CD Blades:

Oh wait, where are the peelers & bottle openers? Those are also fatal weapons...

P/S: Notice the green banner is laid backward, either I'm too sensitive or they intended to do it.